Just finished a VO2 max/metabolic efficiency test with a great local runner here at our peak Performance Lab, Evans, GA. It’s a test that provides you with some invaluable, unique “data” that can really help fine tune your training. As mentioned in a previous post, building your “aerobic base” is critical early in the season.…
Category: Triathlete
Triathalon Training at peak Rehab: Building the Aerobic Base
2015 is here and it’s a great time for all triathletes to begin “base training,” otherwise known as “Building the Aerobic Base.” Are you looking for a place in Augusta, Ga to discover your aerobic base? This is the all too often neglected component of a complete triathlon training program, and the time is now…
Finding Your Lactate Threshold/Ventilatory Threshold at PEAK Rehab
The Lactate Threshold (LT) , also known as the “Ventilatory Threshold” is a critical exercise point to understand for the endurance athlete. The LT is the point at which the demands of the exercise outdistance the body’s ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in a balanced fashion. As exercise intensity increases during a run,…