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Functional Employment Testing


Reduce workers' compensation claims and save money by testing your employment candidates.

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When you hire employees capable of meeting the physical demands of their jobs, injury rates and related costs will go down— but the benefits don’t end there. Ensuring employee job fit also improves employee retention, reduces lost time, lowers health care costs, and decreases accident rates. As the pioneer in medically-safe, legally-compliant, scientific and objective testing programs, WorkSTEPS can help you make well-informed employment decisions so your next hire is a smart hire.

A Passionate Team of Healthcare Professionals.

Why Functional
Employment Testing?

Reduce Injury

Reduce Injury

Our functional employment testing identifies physical capabilities and limitations, helping to match candidates to suitable roles and significantly reduce the risk of workplace injuries.

Reduce Costs

Reduce Costs

By accurately assessing job-related abilities, our testing minimizes hiring mistakes and reduces costs associated with training, workers' compensation, and lost productivity.

Decrease Turnover

Decrease Turnover

Implementing functional employment testing ensures better job-fit and employee satisfaction, leading to decreased turnover rates and a more stable workforce.

Reduce Fraud

Reduce Fraud

Our thorough assessment process helps deter fraudulent claims and ensure that candidates are genuinely capable of performing the job, safeguarding your organization from potential losses.

The Highest Quality Predictive Testing to Inform Hiring Decisions The Highest Quality Predictive Testing to Inform Hiring Decisions

The Highest Quality Predictive
Testing to Inform Hiring Decisions

While every job is unique, WorkSTEPS has analyzed thousands of jobs across all SIC codes. Our rigorous testing process is administered by a trained and certified national network of more than 1,400 healthcare professionals, which ensures quality and consistency of our testing methods. WorkSTEPS post-offer employment testing examines and reports on candidates in a matter of days so you quickly receive the results you need to make an informed hiring decision.

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WorkSTEPs Post-Offer Testing Gives You Confidence

WorkSTEPs Post-Offer Testing
Gives You Confidence

WorkSTEPS post-offer employment testing is designed and administered to determine if a candidate is capable of performing the essential functions of the job they’ve been offered. After analyzing the physical demands of essential job functions, WorkSTEPS implements an assessment protocol to determine whether candidates can safely perform those functions. Postoffer employment tests help you decrease work-related injuries, lower workers’ compensation costs, reduce turnover, increase productivity, decrease healthcare costs, and lower accident rates.

Get Started Today With Peak WorkSTEPS

Ready to integrate Functional Employment Testing into your business? Our team is here to support you at every step of the process.

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