Triathalon Training at peak Rehab: Building the Aerobic Base

2015 is here and it’s a great time for all triathletes to begin “base training,” otherwise known as “Building the Aerobic Base.”  Are you looking for a place in Augusta, Ga to discover your aerobic base? This is the all too often neglected component of a complete triathlon training program, and the time is now for getting started.

What is the Aerobic Base, you may ask? Think of it like building a foundation for your house….you want it big, solid, comprehensive. Early season base training is the key to going fast in the summer or fall. When you work on lower intensity, longer duration rides or runs, your body builds the “aerobic machinery” necessary to facilitate better performance during race season. These changes include, but are not limited to, increased in number and density of mitochondria, increased capillarization, and improved aerobic enzymatic components that can lead to improved aerobic performance. This is building a bigger aerobic engine!

Here at the peak Exercise Science Lab, located at our Evans clinic, we routinely perform metabolic testing for endurance athletes while running and cycling. Early in your base training season is a great time to have a Lactate Threshold test or a Metabolic Efficiency test to see how “your engine” is performing. We can test you on your bike using our Computrainer Lab system, or while running on the treadmill. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions concerning training or testing.

More to follow regarding endurance training and performance so stay tuned…in the meantime go for a long, slow ride or run.

Happy training!